Re-installing from the old Centos ISO on a new machine, there is a really simple way to bring fusionpbx up to date. Go to /var/www and do rm -r -f fusionpbx. Then svn checkout Then svn update. This will download all the latest fusionpbx code.
Then chmod -R 776 fusionpbx and chown -R apache:daemon fusionpbx to set the permissions correctly and now you can go to the web gui and log in - as it will be the first time it will take you through the install dialogs and then you are up and running with a brand new pbx.
Of course, you don't actually have to be installing from the Centos ISO. If you are running Centos (or presumably any other OS with svn available) you can follow the same procedure. The only thing is in this case you will have had to already install freeswitch (which can't be installed that simply as far as I can determine - you'll need to be able to compile it and I haven't tried that yet).
Once you've installed fusionpbx this way, if you want, rather than pressing the upgrade button in the GUI, you can always go to the shell prompt and cd /var/www/fusionpbx and do svn update. However, after doing this you also need to go to http://yourpbxipaddress/core/upgrade/upgrade_schema.php as that will ensure that your database is updated to include any new tables that have been added with the latest update.
This blog records the steps for setting up a fusionpbx (using Freeswitch) and will give tips for people who have come from a Trixbox/Asterisk background.
FusionPBX for ex-Trixbox users
This blog is intended to be read in sequential order as it is a series of steps that I followed to build a fully functioning fusionpbx phone system. However you might just need to find out how to do a particular thing so you might want to use the search box below to find that specific step. Please give feedback - if you know a better way to do something share it!
I switched back to CentOS 5.5(ClearOS 5.2 SP1) from pfsense, no I can use cepstral and have NAS / Squeeze Server / Firewall / Multi Wan on a single box and I am totally happy with it.