FusionPBX for ex-Trixbox users

This blog is intended to be read in sequential order as it is a series of steps that I followed to build a fully functioning fusionpbx phone system. However you might just need to find out how to do a particular thing so you might want to use the search box below to find that specific step. Please give feedback - if you know a better way to do something share it!

Thursday, August 5

Configuring settings, trunks and extensions

This is quite self explanatory using the information available on the internet already so I'm going to assume you don't need my help on this (just for now), but I will come back and complete this later.

Voicemail to email
There will be more later but just a note to start for now.  If you want to set up voice mail to email you will need to configure your SMTP server settings in system-settings.  You will also need to configure the destination account in the settings for each extension.  Note that FusionPBX does not use an MTA (Message Transfer Agent eg. sendmail or postfix) and instead uses a PHP script that acts as an SMTP client and connects to the SMTP server using the account and password you specify.  As a result, there is no where you can see if your message was sent or not as there are no queues and no logs.  However, if the php script executed (whether it successfully sent or not) there will be a file in /tmp called voicemailtoemail.txt - if this has been created and you didn't ever receive it then the script has executed but it either didn't successfully talk to the SMTP server OR it sent the message successfully but you didn't set the destination email account correctly.  If the file ISN'T present in /tmp then the likely issue is that your file and directory permissions to /var/www/fusionpbx/secure are incorrect.  The voicemail script is v_mailto.php and it also uses v_config_cli.php.  If either of these cannot be accessed by freeswitch then it will not run and the file in /tmp will not be created.

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